May 8, 2024

Salisbury Out at ESPN

Sean Salisbury

Yesterday came the news that NFL journeyman quarterback Sean Salisbury is leaving his role as NFL analyst for ESPN. Chris Carter will be Sean’s replacement and will join a whole host of other ex-NFL superstars working as analysts for ESPN. Salisbury felt he was “underpaid” and had a “capped ceiling” with ESPN so he is ready to move on to other things. Where will Sean land next? Thoughts?


  1. Screw Salisbury!

  2. When you come from the University of Spoiled Children things like this tend to happen. What a complete buffoon.
    He had it cush and now he will take the long road to Fox and sit on a couch with John Salley, Rodney Peete and Rob Dibble on the Best Damn ExESPN Sports Show guys… This guy thinks he will go to another network and be the man.. he wasn’t even the man in college or the pros so what is he thinking? Oh he will fill in as color man on the worst game of the day in the AFC which is only shown in 1 city of the country and only 3 times a season on Sundays.
    Nice work Salisbury.. Go back home to LA and spend your midnight to 6AMs on the radio.

  3. He did have a cush job and I feel he really screwed the pooch on this move.


  1. […] Deadspin, Sports News without Access, Favor, or Discretion wrote an interesting post today on Salisbury Out at ESPNHere’s a quick excerptYesterday came the news that NFL journeyman quarterback Sean Salisbury is leaving his role as NFL analyst for ESPN. […]